Vanessa is a social influencer currently residing in Toronto, Ontario. 

Things kicked off when her high school blog gained an audience as she shared her journey of coming out with her followers. 



California born and bred, Kassia Meador began surfing at age 14. By 17, she was a sponsored pro longboarder, traveling the world and competing in surf events globally. Known for her graceful surf style, Kassia was crowned the "queen of noseriding" by the New York Times. In 2011 she ranked 2nd on the WSL women's longboard tour.
Why Arvin?

Why Arvin?

The word sustainable gets thrown around a lot. Overused and almost always misused, it's lost most of its meaning. We buy things because they're labelled as "sustainable," but most of us don't understand what that means, why it matters, and when it’s genuine.


At Arvin we love to talk about our friends, these are the folks that inspire us, keep us on the right tracks, jump in when help is needed and are there when we need to spitball new ideas over a few beers. 

We want to introduce to you these people, our friends.

Basic Goods for our Everyday Women

Basic Goods for our Everyday Women

Right now we are in the development stage of the Women's range and will be soon be starting a Female testing program. What to be a part of it? 
Where it all starts.

Where it all starts.

Our Creative Director, Harry Fricker recently made the trip over to Spain to capture the process we use to develop our waterless, waste free yarns which make up the Arvin Goods accessories.